DoroT: My Labour Story (Is induced labour painful?) 催生到底痛不痛?
Hi, this post is supposed to be out last year and now my baby is 5 months old already. Oh my, how time flies! (and now finally I have some personal time when baby is asleep)
I had my hospital bag prepared at around week 37 (read here for more details) but my baby did not wish to check out from the cozy hotel room (my womb) yet. Therefore, I was given a induced labour as suggested by my gynaecologist.
1. Why induced labour? 为什么要催生?
The reason was due to reducing amniotic fluid and my baby was not growing much.
On my week 40, I washed my hair early in the morning, had light breakfast and went to the hospital without any symptoms. CTG (Cardiotocography) was placed on my tummy to monitor uterine contraction and baby's heartbeat.
Next, vaginal examination was done and only 1cm dilated (No contraction pain yet). A vaginal insert was placed and prostaglandin was released to help opening the cervix to start labour. I was asked to lie on the bed for one hour. After some time when it dilated until 4cm, my gynae manually broke my water and contractions began stronger gradually.
2. Epidural? 要不要打无痛针?
When my cervix was dilated at 4cm, my gynae asked whether if I wanted epidural anesthesia and I refused as I believed that I could bear the pain.
当时开了4cm, 医生问要不要打无痛,我认为还可以忍所以拒绝了。(不懂哪来的勇气)
From every 10 minutes to 5 minutes and until 2 or 3 minutes apart, I could feel complete soreness at my lower abdomen and back (well just like period pain but the scale is 100 times more than that).
Suddenly the pain shot up to my anus and yes just like getting constipated for one whole month and you're trying to squeeze it out. That's the moment I shrieked, asking for epidural and the nurse checked, FULLY EFFACED.
突然间我不能忍受了因为痛到好像便秘一个月,我也喊了护士说要打无痛,而护士检查说已经开了10cm! (半小时从4cm开到完)
3. Labour Stage 宝宝要出来了
My gynae came and guided me to push my baby out, at the meantime she did episiotomy to prevent tear. Luckily my baby came out after maybe 5-6 pushes. Thank God! Next, she removed the placenta and sutured the incision. No more pain, phew!
4. Breastfeeding & Room-In 第一次哺乳
My baby laid on my chest immediately after birth. (Oh gosh, so stinky with all the blood stench Lol) After minutes of skin-to-skin contact, he was taken away to be checked by paediatrician. I got myself cleaned with the help of nurses, and baby was brought back to me for breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding will be another huge topic. It is a loooong journey if you have decided to BF. ;)
Room-in with your baby is part of the hospital protocol. For the entire night, I did not rest much as my baby kept whining and I did not know what to do despite giving him my teats. No milk kicked in, but just let baby latch as much as possible and I finally have some colostrum on day 2.
第一晚和宝宝独处真的很累,完全没睡。我的医院是鼓励母婴同房的。宝宝一哭,我就让他吸奶。不过真的还没奶啊~ 吸啊吸,就天亮了~
5. Discharge & Check In to Hotel Confinement Centre 出院去月子中心
After staying for one night, we were discharged from the hospital. Pls remember you have to prepare a carrier/ car seat when you bring your baby back home. I went to the confinement centre straightaway. (next post)
1. Induced labour is not as horrifying as imagined, just get epidural anesthesia if it is unbearable. I would go for another induced labour as I feel it's faster, but anyway everybody is different, discuss with your Dr to get the best plan.
2. Breathing technique is important, I learned some through youtube but kinda messed it up during labour, anyway just keep taking deep deep breath when you feel the contraction.
3. Had some light food before entering the labour room as you are not allowed to eat during labour.
4. Always PRAY & THINK POSITIVE! Talking to your baby helps in speeding up the labour. Just keep telling 'eh dont let mummy suffer, faster come out lah. xD'
Good Luck Mummies! 加油!💪
Any sponsorship/ advertisement/ review, pls reach me at:
IG: dor.dorothy
Page: Dote On Dor 朵儿
I had my hospital bag prepared at around week 37 (read here for more details) but my baby did not wish to check out from the cozy hotel room (my womb) yet. Therefore, I was given a induced labour as suggested by my gynaecologist.
1. Why induced labour? 为什么要催生?
The reason was due to reducing amniotic fluid and my baby was not growing much.
On my week 40, I washed my hair early in the morning, had light breakfast and went to the hospital without any symptoms. CTG (Cardiotocography) was placed on my tummy to monitor uterine contraction and baby's heartbeat.
Next, vaginal examination was done and only 1cm dilated (No contraction pain yet). A vaginal insert was placed and prostaglandin was released to help opening the cervix to start labour. I was asked to lie on the bed for one hour. After some time when it dilated until 4cm, my gynae manually broke my water and contractions began stronger gradually.
2. Epidural? 要不要打无痛针?
When my cervix was dilated at 4cm, my gynae asked whether if I wanted epidural anesthesia and I refused as I believed that I could bear the pain.
当时开了4cm, 医生问要不要打无痛,我认为还可以忍所以拒绝了。(不懂哪来的勇气)
From every 10 minutes to 5 minutes and until 2 or 3 minutes apart, I could feel complete soreness at my lower abdomen and back (well just like period pain but the scale is 100 times more than that).
Suddenly the pain shot up to my anus and yes just like getting constipated for one whole month and you're trying to squeeze it out. That's the moment I shrieked, asking for epidural and the nurse checked, FULLY EFFACED.
突然间我不能忍受了因为痛到好像便秘一个月,我也喊了护士说要打无痛,而护士检查说已经开了10cm! (半小时从4cm开到完)
3. Labour Stage 宝宝要出来了
My gynae came and guided me to push my baby out, at the meantime she did episiotomy to prevent tear. Luckily my baby came out after maybe 5-6 pushes. Thank God! Next, she removed the placenta and sutured the incision. No more pain, phew!
4. Breastfeeding & Room-In 第一次哺乳
My baby laid on my chest immediately after birth. (Oh gosh, so stinky with all the blood stench Lol) After minutes of skin-to-skin contact, he was taken away to be checked by paediatrician. I got myself cleaned with the help of nurses, and baby was brought back to me for breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding will be another huge topic. It is a loooong journey if you have decided to BF. ;)
Room-in with your baby is part of the hospital protocol. For the entire night, I did not rest much as my baby kept whining and I did not know what to do despite giving him my teats. No milk kicked in, but just let baby latch as much as possible and I finally have some colostrum on day 2.
第一晚和宝宝独处真的很累,完全没睡。我的医院是鼓励母婴同房的。宝宝一哭,我就让他吸奶。不过真的还没奶啊~ 吸啊吸,就天亮了~
5. Discharge & Check In to Hotel Confinement Centre 出院去月子中心
After staying for one night, we were discharged from the hospital. Pls remember you have to prepare a carrier/ car seat when you bring your baby back home. I went to the confinement centre straightaway. (next post)
1. Induced labour is not as horrifying as imagined, just get epidural anesthesia if it is unbearable. I would go for another induced labour as I feel it's faster, but anyway everybody is different, discuss with your Dr to get the best plan.
2. Breathing technique is important, I learned some through youtube but kinda messed it up during labour, anyway just keep taking deep deep breath when you feel the contraction.
3. Had some light food before entering the labour room as you are not allowed to eat during labour.
4. Always PRAY & THINK POSITIVE! Talking to your baby helps in speeding up the labour. Just keep telling 'eh dont let mummy suffer, faster come out lah. xD'
Good Luck Mummies! 加油!💪
Any sponsorship/ advertisement/ review, pls reach me at:
IG: dor.dorothy
Page: Dote On Dor 朵儿
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