DoroT: TAIWAN EXPO Press Conference 馬來西亞臺灣形象展 (5th & 6th July in Setia SPICE Convention Centre)

Taiwan Expo 2019 will be coming to Penang for the very first time after two consecutive success events in Kuala Lumpur since 2017. Do not miss the opportunity to know more about Taiwan's expertise in various industries on this 5th and 6th July in Setia SPICE Convention Centre.
馬來西亞臺灣形象展过去两年在吉隆坡都有很丰硕的成果而今年七月五号和六号将第一次在在槟城Setia SPICE举办,大家千万不要错过啦。

Based on Taiwanese government's Flagship Programs and Prospective Areas, the Taiwan Expo presents and shares Taiwan's experience in diversified fields like technology, agriculture, design, medical care, education, lifestyle and tourism.
All thanks to Woopy Agency, we bloggers are honoured to be invited to attend today's press conference in G Hotel Penang.

Taiwan Expo 2019 is bringing more than 100 manufacturers across 110 booths for the exhibition. Some of the products are showcased on the press conference today.
This Bubble Tea Mask integrates all natural ingredients like black tea extract from Ali Mountain, green tea from Sun Moon Lake for skin moisturizing and tightening.

This Sexylook Enzyme masks have always been popular in the market. 这款面膜也是非常有名哦。
These masks feature collagen lifting, ageless & firming and brightening & refreshing functions. 

You will also get to see this RA605 Articulated Robot in the EXPO which can help in complex manual tasks in unfriendly work environments.
The edgy looking raptor lamp is also one of the highlights today.

Electric scarf 实用的电动围巾
Mini Air Cooler 小型的冷风机

Smart Clamp Meter

Uplus Solar Film

Daylight Tubular Device 太阳能灯板

Welcome speech by Ms Leonor F.M. Lin – Executive Vice President Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 
外貿協會 林芳苗副秘書長致歡迎詞

Speech by Mdm Sharifah Nazreen Farhana Sted Marzuki, Director of Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) Northern Regional Office
馬來西亞對外貿易發展機構北區辦事處 莎麗花總監致詞

Remarks by Her Excellency Ms. Anne Hung - Representative of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Malaysia
駐馬來西亞臺北經濟文化辦事處 洪慧珠代表致詞

Remarks by YB Dato' Haji Abdul Halim Hussain - Penang EXCO member for Domestic & International Trade, Consumer Affairs and Entrepreneur Development

The following six themes are being highlighted at Taiwan Expo 2019 
1. Smart City & Industry 4.0 智慧城市与工业4.0
2. Green Tech 绿能 
3. Healthcare 医疗
4. Halal Taiwan 清真
5. Taiwan Lifestyle 时尚消费
6. Tour Taiwan 文化观光

Q & A session

Now mark your calendar to visit Taiwan Expo 2019 in Setia SPICE Convention Centre on the 5th & 6th July 2019 10am - 6pm~
#TaiwanExpoMy #TaiwanExpo2019 #MyTaiwanExpo #WoopyAgency #Wooopers #InfluencerAgency

Thanks to Woopy Agency for the invitation today.

Any sponsorship/ advertisement/ review, pls reach me at:
